About me.

A founder that has 'walked the walk' and got the scars to show it

Howdy, I am Andrew and I enjoy building stuff, sharing the learnings and trying to be my best self.


Business Exits


Active CEO roles


of failures


of mistakes

Hi, I am Andrew Hardman,  Founder, Investor and Consultant. 👋

Ever wondered what it's like to build a business, sell it, and then do it all over again? Well, I've done it 3 times. And failed a bunch too.

The TL;DR on me:

  • Built and sold 3 companies (last one in 2020, cha-ching! 💰)
  • Started as a design nerd, ended up a serial entrepreneur
  • Now I'm the guy other founders call when sh*t hits the fan

Why should you care?

Look, building a business is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture while blindfolded. On a rollercoaster. In space.

I've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt (and the exit checks). Now, I'm here to be your cheat code.

What I bring to the table:

  1. Battle scars from bootstrapped AND VC-backed companies
  2. A bullsh*t detector honed by years of pitch meetings
  3. The secret sauce for scaling that you won't find in any "Top 10 Growth Hacks" listicle

Why am I doing this?

Simple. Being a founder is lonely AF. It's like being the captain of a ship in a storm, except the ship is on fire, and the storm is made of sharks.

I've been through it all - the late-night panic attacks, the "holy crap, we're gonna make it" moments, and everything in between. Now, I want to help other crazy people (I mean, founders) navigate this wild ride.

What's in it for you?

  • Skip the "learn from your mistakes" BS. Learn from mine instead.
  • Grow your business without growing ulcers
  • Turn your founder journey from a horror movie into an action thriller (still intense, but way more fun)

The non-business stuff:

When I'm not nerding out on business strategies, you'll find me:

  • Chasing after my twins (or are they chasing me? 🤔)
  • Crushing triathlons (because running a business isn't painful enough)
  • Shredding slopes or hugging trees in the great outdoors

So, if you're ready to turn your startup dreams into reality without losing your sanity, hit me up. Let's make some magic happen! 🚀


My Core values

Get 'Ship' Done

Constantly Improve

Make 'mum' proud


A few things I currently believe

It's not about how hard you work

Anyone can work hard. It's about what you work on that gets you the most leverage.

The soft stuff is key

I always used to think the soft stuff in business like culture and values were just for corporates. I now realise that this done in the right way puts your business growth on steroids.

You can learn anything but play to your strengths

I used to try and be the master of everything. What I didn't think about was what do I actually want to do. Now I try and run my life via anti goals before starting anything.

Leverage is the ultimate superpower

Understanding leverage and how to use it gives you superpowers that lets you jet power your way to your goals.

Money is great, but purpose is better

I used to focus everything towards making money. Once I made some money I realised I was chasing a never ending goal. Instead creating a purpose in your life is far more fulfilling.

No plan, No Outcome

If you don't know where you are going, how do you know what to work on? Many of us, (me included) sleep walk through each day without a plan and any direction for our future goals.

Be a good person

It's not like the movies. Bad people can win but for me winning isn't the be all. I want to look in the mirror and be proud of myself. I now make decisions based on my values and avoid people and actions that are contrary to my beliefs.

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